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Abdulmueed Balogun is a Nigerian Poet and an undergraduate at the University of Ibadan. He was selected to participate as a Scholar in the HUES Poetry Workshop for Spring 2021. He is a poetry reader at The Global Youth Review and was the runner up in the REFORM NAIJA writing contest "FREEWILL" in November, 2020. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in: Avalon Literary Review, AfroRep, Poesis Literary Journal, Headline Press and Poetry, Fevers of Mind and elsewhere. He tweets from: Abdmueed.


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I call it grace, if a girl's chaste wall before turning five

remains unscathed, for the womb of this land

breeds paedophiles in thousands.


I call it grace, if my neighbor's son from an errand

returns without paying ransom to secure his soul

for this land is a saner nest for child rustlers.


I call it grace, if no household mourns before dusk

for elegy every second surges from the mouth of houses.


I call it grace, if no one, before noon

is tweeted missing, by the birds on Twitter

if no mutilated cadaver is discovered beside the bush

sprawling along the hem of highways, before the end of the week.


I will call it grace, again, again, and again

if my right hand concludes this poem

with its fingers, untampered.


justice's print is bold and sunny,

voices, not veiled by the velvet of dread.


stars, not missiles tread the sky,

water, not blood nor bullets cascades from the eye of the firmament.


the coming of dawn heralds bliss

not war, nor a rat race for survival.


radio's mouth reels off news, free from bloodstains

from sorrow that grips the heart like a tick.


departure comes in ripe season,

while marveling at a lover's smile.


nights do not paint the portrait of afterlife

when slumber steers the wheel of soul.

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