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Joy Ladin is the author of eleven books of poetry, including recently published Family and National Jewish Book Award winner The Book of Anna, and three books about trans and non-binary identities, Once Out of Nature, National Jewish Book Award finalist Through the Door of Life, and The Soul of the Stranger. Find her here.


There's a lake in the dark

and the sound of rafts


drifting in synchronized silence

like starving ballet dancers


There is nothing to fear

that hasn’t already happened


The walls of the apartment

I rarely leave


shimmer like water

The floorboards shift


under my feet

like rafts sliding over


the face of the deep


(a two-part invention)

this poem is designed to be read on a large screen; on mobile, turn to landscape view


(a three-part invention)

this poem is designed to be read on a large screen; on mobile, turn to landscape view

This invented form, composed of phrases drawn from three non-poetic sources, is designed to be read in a peculiar way. Each section is meant both as separate poem and as part of a sequence, and is intended to be read first column by column, from right to left, as though each column is a poem, and then across, as though every phrase is part of a single continuous poem.


Phrases in columns headed “They Hunted My Son” come from "‘They hunted my son’: Mom decries fatal shooting of man by U.S. Marshals” (Washington Post, March 2, 2023); those in columns headed “Lost Princess” come from“The Lost Princess” by Nahman of Bratzlav; those in columns headed “Autistic Child” come from “My Experiences as an Autistic Child” by Temple Grandin.




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